Design, Structure and Significance of Virtual Machines in Network Management System: An Emulation Analysis of VMware Based Hospital System in Pakistan
Umair Shahzad,
Muhammad Luqman,
Rao Muhammad Adnan
Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2020
22 July 2020
13 August 2020
27 August 2020
Abstract: The trend of the use of virtual machines is vitally growing in the world. Virtual machines are being used in different organizations. These virtual machines come as a result from an output of a host hypervisor. If an organization or an institution is being run by virtualization then it is possible that unnecessary expenses, additional burden, wastage of resources and excesses of space can be reduced for networking. With the organizations when the structure of a medical institution or hospital is viewed it comes out that even big and small hospitals are shifting their management systems to certain kinds of networks. As it is visible in the rapidly advancing world that hospitals are also using networking technology so why not they shift to virtualization? So, to observe either virtualization can effectively run in a hospital scenario this research is conducted. To further analyze if this can work in the setting of Pakistan or not? This research is conducted according to an assumed situation of Hospital that has four different branches in a country. To find the outcomes simulation method is used. A network is built on VMware Workstation. This network is designed to run a hospital networking system. That comprises of a virtual private network server, firewall router, file transfer protocol server, web server, and voice over internet protocol server, virtual local area network, active directory, virtual switches, dynamic host control protocol et cetera. After proper testing of the VMware then fully loaded system is launched and every functional requirement is utilized to clearly investigate the progress of a virtual network and this research has resulted in a successful network management system for Health Care Hospital in Pakistan. In viewing this the researcher has invented two concepts in this research that are “Hospital Virtualization” and “Pocket Network Theory.”
Abstract: The trend of the use of virtual machines is vitally growing in the world. Virtual machines are being used in different organizations. These virtual machines come as a result from an output of a host hypervisor. If an organization or an institution is being run by virtualization then it is possible that unnecessary expenses, additional burden, wasta...
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